Planet Youth: Cavan & Monaghan

Learn about the lives and lifestyles of our young people

Key Takeaways

882 young people from 12 school / YouthReach settings in Cavan participated

845 young people from 13 school / YouthReach settings in Monaghan participated

How Planet Youth Works

Planet Youth is an international evidence-based primary prevention model, developed by the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis (ICSRA) at Reykjavik University.

It was initially developed in order to reduce substance use rates amongst young people. The model uses a whole population approach and offers the opportunity to improve health and life outcomes for young people in many areas.

Community Focus

Planet Youth in Ireland is growing.

The important thing to remember about Planet Youth is that it is all about communities working together. Once we get the information from the surveys its really important that we start to look at how we can reinforce the things that are working really well and reduce the impact of the things that are causing problems for young people.

Meet the Team