The Planet Youth model has been introduced to Cavan and Monaghan through an interagency committee, made up of representatives from a number of Statutory and Community based organisations, who have a remit for children and young people. Together, the Planet Youth Implementation group has initiated the projects needs led, bottom-up approach that will see data collated directly from young people, providing us with information on the lives and lifestyle of our young people. Co -funded by 10 local partners, our Memorandum of Understanding for implementation of the Model is for the next 5 years. The Icelandic Centre of Research and Social Studies (ICRSA) of the University of Reykjavik will collate our local data and forward it to our research partners in the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.

Our Mission

To lead a process of transformative change by embedding primary prevention approaches which enhance young people’s health, relationships, environment and wellbeing.

feet united

While public bodies and non-profit organisations are already working together to improve outcomes for young people, evidenced-based prevention needs greater priority. Planet Youth provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to change the way they think about prevention and their role in it. Agencies and organisations – big and small – must consider what they can do within their remit, either directly or indirectly. Th is includes reassessing their activities with a view to minimising risk factors and maximising protective factors. While stakeholders will approach Planet Youth in different ways, ultimately the shared objective is to achieve better outcomes for young people.

Prevention activities are more likely to succeed when they are systematic, evidence-based and collaborative. While the need for prevention is increasingly recognised, it often occurs in an ad hoc manner. Planet Youth urges all stakeholders – from national and local government to public bodies, schools and community-based organisations – to play their part in prioritising prevention in an integrated and holistic way.

Meet the Team

Working Group
Name Position
Maureen Mc Intyre Cavan & Monaghan Education and Training Board and Site Lead
Andy Ogle North Eastern Regional Drug Task Force and Chairperson of Working Group
Stephanie Kane North Eastern Regional Drug Task Force
Ste Corrigan Cavan Children and Young People Services Committee
Collette Deeney Monaghan Children and Young People Services Committee
Caolan Faux Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan
Research Partners
Name Position
Mary Cannon MB BCh BAO, FRCPsych, MSc, PhD
Dr. Emmet Power MB BCh BAO MRCPsych MCPsychI
EHF Officer
Name Position
Erla Maria Jonsdottir Tolgyes Chief Project Officer, Planet Youth Cavan & Monaghan