The Process So Far
The Process
March 2020
Attended the International Planet Youth Conference in Reykjavik and learnt about the first hand experiences on how the implementation of the Planet Youth Survey has supported the improved developments of young people – personally, emotionally, educationally, economically.
June 2020
Cavan Monaghan Working group developed and presentations on why we felt the Planet Youth Model should be introduced to Cavan and Monaghan were presented to key stakeholders who have a remit for Children and Young People.
July 2020
Commitment and investment received from key stakeholders who have a remit for Children and Young People to support the implementation of Planet Youth into Cavan and Monaghan
August 2020
Planet Youth Survey Questionnaire developed with colleagues in the West of Ireland
October 2020
Joined with Colleagues from North Dublin to introduce the same Planet Youth Survey to both areas in 2021 and welcomed Dr. Mary Cannon and Dr. Emmet Power from Royal College of Surgeons Ireland as research study lead for the Planet Youth Implementation in Cavan Monaghan and North Dublin
February 2021
Ethical Approval Submission made to RCPI
May / June 2021
Held a Planet Youth webinar for Cavan Monaghan post-primary schools on the 10th of May.
Educational Centre representatives nominated to become part of Planet Youth Implementation Team.
July 2021
Ethical Approval for Planet Youth Survey rollout in Cavan Monaghan and North Dublin received from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
Service Level Agreement Signed for Project Implementation with Planet Youth in Iceland.
August 2021
Planet Youth Implementation Training – Training will be provided to PY Implementation Team (School Reps, Youth/Community Reps) in late August by ICRSA, University of Reykjavik and this training will support the seamless transition of the programme in each of our schools. Each Planet Youth representative will receive their own Planet Youth Guide and School Pack and will become part of the Planet Youth Communication Team.

October 2021
Planet Youth Survey will be implemented in all participating education centres (Schools and Youthreach) across Cavan and Monaghan in October. Surveys will be completed digitally by some 2000 students and results will be return anonymously and electronically to ICRSA.
How does it work?
It works by addressing the factors in th lives of young people that determine if they’ll go on to use drugs and alcohol.
And by reducing the risk factors and strengthening the protective factors and strengthening the protective factors in a targeted manner.
It’s data-based and focuses on the four major domains shown.